First joint staff training event – Day 2
Category : Activities News
During the second day (Nov 24,2020) of the online joint staff training event of the YESI project the participants took part in simulations of training activities from the “Children’s rights – Human rights” module. In the “My right to opinion and expression” training resource they had the task to think of their dream about the future and present it to rest of the group as an artistic creation. The participants were split in 3 groups making use of the breakout rooms option in ZOOM.

The participants could opt to step in the shoes of a specific target group. This is the artistic work of group 3 – the group of the ‘children’ and their message to the world!
This is the message of the group of the ‘teenagers’ during the second day of the YESI online training event. This is what they want to share with the world!